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Tag: Monday

Blue Monday N° #17

N° #17

"Fischers Fritze fishes fresh fish"  ;-)
This is a German tongue twisters. Sally, i hope you can understand it in English
and i translated it correctly!

Smiling Sally

Anne Seltmann 19.01.2015, 18.15 | (3/0) Kommentare (RSS) | TB | PL

Happy Monday

Wer Menschen studieren will, der versäume nicht,
sich unter Kinder zu mischen.


Adolph Freiherr von Knigge
(1752 - 1796)

Anne Seltmann 19.01.2015, 07.39 | (0/0) Kommentare | TB | PL

Happy Monday

Weißt du, worin der Spaß des Lebens liegt?
Sei lustig! Geht es nicht, so sei vergnügt!


Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Anne Seltmann 05.01.2015, 08.21 | (0/0) Kommentare | TB | PL

Blue Monday N° #16

N° #16

These shoes hanging in Flensburg (northern Germany)

To throw up shoes on power lines is a tradition, but no one knows exactly why. Many explanations exist, but it is not clear enough.
Furthest back a legend to come from Scotland: A suspended pair of shoes near a house symbolizes consequently there for centuries that a man has lost his innocence recently.

Most explanations come from the United States, ranging from students or students who celebrate graduation with the ritual, to soldiers who want to put at the end of military service with the union of their combat boots over cable or fences a character.
Widespread there are also shoetrees, trees that hung all over with shoes and found mainly on roads.

And here is probably the best story of the origins of this tradition: One lonely Poplar on Highway 50 in Nevada, dangling from the hundreds of couples. The first pair is - his early 90s flew through the air - on tales. A couple quarreled on the way to the wedding, the groom threw the shoes in anger his fiancée on a branch. Because the couple did not make it, they herunterzuholen again, they were talking about - and got on. Many travelers will be followed this example.

Smiling Sally

Anne Seltmann 05.01.2015, 07.03 | (2/0) Kommentare (RSS) | TB | PL

Blue Monday N° #15

Smiling Sally

N° #15



Hi Sally!
'm not sure if the translation is correct for my poem. I try nevertheless

With childlike curiosity, I opened all the doors.
On and on, in and out.
One or another, however, were closed forever.
But I was still life in amazement at his heels.


© Anne Seltmann



Mit kindlicher Neugier öffnete ich alle Türen.
Auf und zu, rein und raus.
Eine oder andere waren jedoch für immer verschlossen.
Aber ich blieb dennoch dem Leben staunend auf den Fersen.


© Anne Seltmann

Anne Seltmann 29.12.2014, 07.56 | (3/0) Kommentare (RSS) | TB | PL

Happy Monday

Ich bin auf dem richtigen Weg-
wenn ich vor mir selber geradestehen,
ich mich noch im Spiegel anschauen kann.

Ich bin auf dem richtigen Weg-
wenn ich an Weggabelungen ankomme,
wenn ich inne halte
um alles neu zu überdenken

Es lohnt sich
dieses Ziel zu verfolgen


© Anne Seltmann

Anne Seltmann 29.12.2014, 06.53 | (0/0) Kommentare | TB | PL

Happy Monday

Vorfreude auf Weihnachten

Ein Kind - von einem Schiefertafelschwämmchen
Umhüpft - rennt froh durch mein Gemüt.
Bald ist es Weihnacht! - Wenn der Christbaum blüht,
Dann blüht er Flämmchen.
Und Flämmchen heizen. Und die Wärme stimmt
Uns mild. - Es werden Lieder, Düfte fächeln. -
Wer nicht mehr Flämmchen hat,
wem nur noch Fünkchen glimmt,
Wird dann noch gütig lächeln.

Wenn wir im Traume eines ewigen Traumes
Alle unfeindlich sind - einmal im Jahr! -
Uns alle Kinder fühlen eines Baumes.
Wie es sein soll, wie's allen einmal war.


Joachim Ringelnatz

Anne Seltmann 22.12.2014, 07.53 | (0/0) Kommentare | TB | PL

Blue Monday N° #14

Smiling Sally

Long it's been that I had the blue balls on my Christmas tree. And long ago that I even had a Christmas tree. We just did not feel like Christmas. But that will change next year when our fresh grandson comes to visit. But then I turn red and silver assume again that is a lot of Christmas 

You dear Sally, I wish a merry Christmas!


Anne Seltmann 22.12.2014, 07.10 | (4/0) Kommentare (RSS) | TB | PL

Happy Monday

Öffne der Veränderung deine Arme,

aber verliere dabei deine Werte nicht aus den Augen.


Dalai Lama

Anne Seltmann 15.12.2014, 06.42 | (0/0) Kommentare | TB | PL

Blue Monday N° #13

Smiling Sally

N° #13


I stayed at the aquarium in Kiel (Northern Germany) discovered a Urticina piscivora. By the blue neon light comes out especially nice. Sea anemones (Actiniaria), also called water lilies, sea anemones or anemones are a species- and genus-rich order of Hexacorallia within flowers animals. It is exclusively occurring in the sea, always solitary living, usually relatively large animals found from shallow waters to abyssal depths. Currently about 1,200 species are known.

Anne Seltmann 15.12.2014, 06.17 | (3/0) Kommentare (RSS) | TB | PL

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