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Tag: Sally

Blue Monday N° #25

N° #25

"Ich liebe dich" an einer Wand in hunderten von Sprachen direkt am Place des Abbesses in Montmartre.
Der französische Musiker Frédéric Baron hat sich diese Liebeserklärung zum Vorbild genommen und ein Kunstwerk geschaffen.


"I love you" on a wall in hundreds of languages on the Place des Abbesses in Montmartre.
The French musician Frédéric Baron took this declaration of love to model and created a work of art.

Smiling Sally

Anne Seltmann 23.03.2015, 06.18 | (5/1) Kommentare (RSS) | TB | PL

Blue Monday N° #24

N° #2

Smiling Sally

Anne Seltmann 16.03.2015, 06.05 | (3/0) Kommentare (RSS) | TB | PL

Blue Monday N° #23

N° #23

A nameless plate, which had to be necessarily named!

Smiling Sally

Anne Seltmann 09.03.2015, 06.45 | (3/0) Kommentare (RSS) | TB | PL

Blue Monday N° #22

N° #2

Do not forget! Today is  Blue Monday.

Smiling Sally

Anne Seltmann 02.03.2015, 06.15 | (4/0) Kommentare (RSS) | TB | PL

Blue Monday N° #21

N° #21


Without Words

Smiling Sally

Anne Seltmann 23.02.2015, 09.09 | (4/0) Kommentare (RSS) | TB | PL

Blue Monday N° #20

N° #20


Nehmt euch doch eine Weile Zeit, sucht euch den besten Platz aus (ist ja genug vorhanden)
und genießt eine Weile meine Bilder. Ich nehme auch keinen Eintritt!

Blue Monday ist ein Projekt von Sally, deren Blog ich übers große weite Meer folge und ihre (meine auch) Lieblingsfarbe ist BLAU.

Sally lebt in Tampa (Florida) ist pensionierte Gymnasiallehrerin und hat neben ihren beiden Kindern auch 7 Enkelkinder.


Take it for a while time you look for the best place from (is enough available) and enjoys a while my pictures. I also take no cover charge!
Blue Monday is a project of Sally, whose blog I follow over the big wide ocean and their (also my) favorite color is BLUE.
Sally lives in Tampa (Florida) is a retired high school teacher and in addition to her two children and 7 grandchildren.

Smiling Sally

Anne Seltmann 16.02.2015, 09.49 | (6/3) Kommentare (RSS) | TB | PL

Blue Monday N° #19

N° #19

Smiling Sally

Anne Seltmann 02.02.2015, 09.00 | (0/0) Kommentare | TB | PL

Blue Monday N° #18

Nein, das war nicht nach einem Saufgelage. Diese Flasche in der sich Alsterwasser befand,wurde von einer Ziege umgestoßen, die im Freilichtmuseum in Kiel-Molfsee frei rumlaufen dürfen. Manchmal essen diese auch Pommes etc. welche achtlos liegengelassen werden, anstatt es in die Mülltonne zu werfen.

No, it was not after a drinking binge. This bottle in which was shandy (beer and lemonade), was overturned by a goat that can walk around freely in the open-air museum in Kiel-Molfsee. Sometimes this also eat fries etc. which are left lying around carelessly, rather than throwing it in the bin.

N° #18

Smiling Sally

Anne Seltmann 26.01.2015, 07.08 | (4/0) Kommentare (RSS) | TB | PL

Blue Monday N° #17

N° #17

"Fischers Fritze fishes fresh fish"  ;-)
This is a German tongue twisters. Sally, i hope you can understand it in English
and i translated it correctly!

Smiling Sally

Anne Seltmann 19.01.2015, 18.15 | (3/0) Kommentare (RSS) | TB | PL

Blue Monday N° #16

N° #16

These shoes hanging in Flensburg (northern Germany)

To throw up shoes on power lines is a tradition, but no one knows exactly why. Many explanations exist, but it is not clear enough.
Furthest back a legend to come from Scotland: A suspended pair of shoes near a house symbolizes consequently there for centuries that a man has lost his innocence recently.

Most explanations come from the United States, ranging from students or students who celebrate graduation with the ritual, to soldiers who want to put at the end of military service with the union of their combat boots over cable or fences a character.
Widespread there are also shoetrees, trees that hung all over with shoes and found mainly on roads.

And here is probably the best story of the origins of this tradition: One lonely Poplar on Highway 50 in Nevada, dangling from the hundreds of couples. The first pair is - his early 90s flew through the air - on tales. A couple quarreled on the way to the wedding, the groom threw the shoes in anger his fiancée on a branch. Because the couple did not make it, they herunterzuholen again, they were talking about - and got on. Many travelers will be followed this example.

Smiling Sally

Anne Seltmann 05.01.2015, 07.03 | (2/0) Kommentare (RSS) | TB | PL

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