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Blue Monday N° #12

Smiling Sally

N° #12


The umbrella I will need today. It rained all night and it's still raining.
How can
there arise because the Christmas spirit?

Anne Seltmann 08.12.2014, 06.14

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5. von Jen

I hope you get some sunshine soon.

vom 11.12.2014, 03.13
4. von Helen

we've had rain like that here, our weather has gone crazy this year going as high as the 70's then down to low 30's & it's Dec.! lol! put the tree up & turn the lights on when you have those dark rainy days, Christmas lights makes everything better lol!

vom 08.12.2014, 22.49
3. von Laane

I can understand your feelings. I closed the curtains and 15.30 today because it was all grey and gloomy and I wanted lights.
So now there are candles burning, it starts to smell nice and I just imagine your umbrella can get a red glow of the christmaslights. :lacher:

Happy blue monday!

vom 08.12.2014, 18.31
2. von Sally

Hi Anne,

That's a pretty umbrella. It should make you happy. Thanks for making Blue Monday special.

Happy Blue Monday!

vom 08.12.2014, 13.32
1. von Anne M Robinson

Such wonderful share! Love those blues!

vom 08.12.2014, 06.26
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