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Tag: Woche

Woran erkennt man...

dass die Kieler Woche anfängt?
Na, es regnet!

Anne Seltmann 19.06.2010, 15.09 | (5/0) Kommentare (RSS) | TB | PL

Kieler Woche Impressionen 2009 II.

ballon sailing Kiel



`ne ruhige Kugel schieben

erst zahlen...

Anne Seltmann 28.06.2009, 22.40 | (0/0) Kommentare | TB | PL

Kieler Woche Impressionen 2009 I.


am sonntag will mein süßer mit mir segeln gehen


street artist

Anne Seltmann 26.06.2009, 19.21 | (3/0) Kommentare (RSS) | TB | PL

Und da war noch...

diese tolle Gruppe, bei der man hängen bleibt, die einen fesselt obwohl man noch mehr von der Kieler Woche sehen will. Gott sei Dank geht sie ja noch bis Sonntag.

Diese drei sind einfach grandios!

gerry doyle & oldtown

pfeil0.gif Gerry Doyle & oldtown

von links: Gerry Doyle, Dessie Higgins
und Shane Mc Dermott

Gerry Doyle is a exceptional singer who hails from County Tipperary in southern Ireland.

Blessed with this talent at an early age in the art of ballad singing he is one of the finest singers
to come out of Ireland who can make a song his own.
Accompanying himself on guitar his solo concerts make for a fantastic evening entertainment.

His interest in Irish folk music has taken him to many places including USA, Germany, Scandinavia and Switzerland to mention a few.
Gerry spent 10 years in the New York area perfecting his craft and meeting many musicians .

His solo concerts and performances with his band "Oldtown" are events to be experienced, enjoyed and
leave a lasting memory.

A good ballad singer is a rare commodity these days and Gerry Doyle is at the top.


Anne Seltmann 23.06.2009, 12.33 | (0/0) Kommentare | TB | PL